1,607 research outputs found

    Assessing the influence of the Merzbacher Lake outburst floods on discharge using the hydrological model SWIM in the Aksu headwaters, Kyrgyzstan/NW China

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    Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF) often have a significant impact on downstream users. Including their effects in hydrological models, identifying past occurrences and assessing their potential impacts are challenges for hydrologists working in mountainous catchments. The regularly outbursting Merzbacher Lake is located in the headwaters of the Aksu River, the most important source of water discharge to the Tarim River, northwest China. Modelling its water resources and the evaluation of potential climate change impacts on river discharge are indispensable for projecting future water availability for the intensively cultivated river oases downstream of the Merzbacher Lake and along the Tarim River. The semi-distributed hydrological model SWIM was calibrated to the outlet station Xiehela on the Kumarik River, by discharge the largest tributary to the Aksu River. The glacial lake outburst floods add to the difficulties of modelling this high-mountain, heavily glaciated catchment with poor data coverage and quality. The aims of the study are to investigate the glacier lake outburst floods using a modelling tool. Results include a two-step model calibration of the Kumarik catchment, an approach for the identification of the outburst floods using the measured gauge data and the modelling results and estimations of the outburst flood volumes. Results show that a catchment model can inform GLOF investigations by providing ‘normal’ (i.e. without the outburst floods) catchment discharge. The comparison of the simulated and observed discharge proves the occurrence of GLOFs and highlights the influences of the GLOFs on the downstream water balance. © 2013 The Authors. Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Topological Crystalline Insulator and Quantum Anomalous Hall States in IV-VI based Monolayers and their Quantum Wells

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    Different from the two-dimensional (2D) topological insulator, the 2D topological crystalline insulator (TCI) phase disappears when the mirror symmetry is broken, e.g., upon placing on a substrate. Here, based on a new family of 2D TCIs - SnTe and PbTe monolayers - we theoretically predict the realization of the quantum anomalous Hall effect with Chern number C = 2 even when the mirror symmetry is broken. Remarkably, we also demonstrate that the considered materials retain their large-gap topological properties in quantum well structures obtained by sandwiching the monolayers between NaCl layers. Our results demonstrate that the TCIs can serve as a seed for observing robust topologically non-trivial phases.Comment: 5 pages, submitted on 27th Feb 201

    Observation of a temperature dependent electrical resistance minimum above the magnetic ordering temperature in Gd2_2PdSi3_3

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    Results on electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance, magnetic Results on electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance, magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity and Gd Mossbauer measurements on a Gd-based intermetallic compound, Gd2_{2}PdSi3_{3} are reported. A finding of interest is that the resistivity unexpectedly shows a well-defined minimum at about 45 K, well above the long range magnetic ordering temperature (21 K), a feature which gets suppressed by the application of a magnetic field. This observation in a Gd alloy presents an interesting scenario. On the basis of our results, we propose electron localization induced by s-f (or d-f) exchange interaction prior to long range magnetic order as a mechanism for the electrical resistance minimum.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of interface states on spin-dependent tunneling in Fe/MgO/Fe tunnel junctions

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    The electronic structure and spin-dependent tunneling in epitaxial Fe/MgO/Fe(001) tunnel junctions are studied using first-principles calculations. For small MgO barrier thickness the minority-spin resonant bands at the two interfaces make a significant contribution to the tunneling conductance for the antiparallel magnetization, whereas these bands are, in practice, mismatched by disorder and/or small applied bias for the parallel magnetization. This explains the experimentally observed decrease in tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) for thin MgO barriers. We predict that a monolayer of Ag epitaxially deposited at the interface between Fe and MgO suppresses tunneling through the interface band and may thus be used to enhance the TMR for thin barriers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures (2 in color), revtex

    JME 4110 PheNode Camera Arm Design Project

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    The goal of this design project was to create an extendable camera arm capable of attaching to the shell of the PheNode in-field apparatus created by researchers at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. The camera arm extends 36 inches in length, can rotate 180 degrees, and successfully holds a camera for plant imaging with minimal vibrations. We have designed an affordable camera arm that is stable and meets the design parameters given. Our design process is documented in the following report

    Interplay between Superconductivity and Magnetism in Rb0.8Fe1.6Se2 under Pressure

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    High-pressure magnetization, structural and 57Fe M\"ossbauer studies were performed on superconducting Rb0.8Fe1.6Se2.0 with Tc = 32.4 K. The superconducting transition temperature gradually decreases on increasing pressure up to 5.0 GPa followed by a marked step-like suppression of superconductivity near 6 GPa. No structural phase transition in the Fe vacancy-ordered superstructure is observed in synchrotron XRD studies up to 15.6 GPa, while the M\"ossbauer spectra above 5 GPa reveal the appearance of a new paramagnetic phase and significant changes in the magnetic and electronic properties of the dominant antiferromagnetic phase, coinciding with the disappearance of superconductivity. These findings underline the strong correlation between antiferromagnetic order and superconductivity in phase-separated AxFe2-x/2Se2 (A = K, Rb, Cs) superconductors

    Mixed topological semimetals driven by orbital complexity in two-dimensional ferromagnets

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    The concepts of Weyl fermions and topological semimetals emerging in three-dimensional momentum space are extensively explored owing to the vast variety of exotic properties that they give rise to. On the other hand, very little is known about semimetallic states emerging in two-dimensional magnetic materials, which present the foundation for both present and future information technology. Here, we demonstrate that including the magnetization direction into the topological analysis allows for a natural classification of topological semimetallic states that manifest in two-dimensional ferromagnets as a result of the interplay between spin-orbit and exchange interactions. We explore the emergence and stability of such mixed topological semimetals in realistic materials, and point out the perspectives of mixed topological states for current-induced orbital magnetism and current-induced domain wall motion. Our findings pave the way to understanding, engineering and utilizing topological semimetallic states in two-dimensional spin-orbit ferromagnets

    Density of Phonon States in Superconducting FeSe as a Function of Temperature and Pressure

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    The temperature and pressure dependence of the partial density of phonon states of iron atoms in superconducting Fe1.01Se was studied by 57Fe nuclear inelastic scattering (NIS). The high energy resolution allows for a detailed observation of spectral properties. A sharpening of the optical phonon modes and shift of all spectral features towards higher energies by ~4% with decreasing temperature from 296 K to 10 K was found. However, no detectable change at the tetragonal - orthorhombic phase transition around 100 K was observed. Application of a pressure of 6.7 GPa, connected with an increase of the superconducting temperature from 8 K to 34 K, results in an increase of the optical phonon mode energies at 296 K by ~12%, and an even more pronounced increase for the lowest-lying transversal acoustic mode. Despite these strong pressure-induced modifications of the phonon-DOS we conclude that the pronounced increase of Tc in Fe1.01Se with pressure cannot be described in the framework of classical electron-phonon coupling. This result suggests the importance of spin fluctuations to the observed superconductivity